Katy was a sport during our shoot! She was great and we had a blast working up around the Pine area. Katy definitely got a kick out of our river shoot, while I stood up to my knees in the river to get her feet dangling in! Katy has great eyes! They are so beautiful and go great with her wonderful smile! Thanks for the great time Katy!

1 comment:
Cora, You are obviously a talented photographer. My favorite photograph of Katy is the first one from the top. You composed this photograph brilliantly. I love everything from the natural positioning of your model (did she choose her pose?) to the lighting. The hints of shadowing on your model and in the background is spectacular, and subtle like it should be for a nature shot. It's not easy to get the lighting right, in my opinion. -The nature background highlights Katy, instead of Katy being swallowed up by the background, as often happens in natural backgrounds. The focus of your photograph remains Katy, which is the effect that it appears you both were going for, and would want. This photograph has a very spontaneous feel to it, too. -Great job! I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it. Ask Eric. I'm a tough editor. :) Happy Photography! -Carolyn Mansager
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